Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Two weeks and a half later....

It has been all that time already since my last post...oooohhhh my god !!
And what have I done since ???

In reality I got a little distracted from my original plan and list but cannot release the reason now as it is a surprise, so ssssssshhhhhh !!

Anyway, I did not stay on my two cheeks and completely did nothing during that time. I did sent my CV to some places and was supposed to have an interview...but at the end this was cancelled, grrrrrr !! Never mind next time.
I also started to think about other ways of subsistence, which lead me to putting on sell some of my clothes on the ASOS Market place. I have listed there 2 dresses so far. I should list another 2 as well in the next few days.
Brown Sequin dress, ASOS Marketplace

 Please have a look, like and don't hesitate to share :-)

Evening Silk Orange dress, ASOS Marketplace

  I think of also doing the same on Etsy and eBay websites. I think all the ways are good to make money somehow. No !?

After all this, I still need to :

- translate my CV in English
- continue searching for another job
- think serioulsy about a website
- urgently contact someone for the master, which I should start next week (aie aie aie !!! I am scared and excited)

A lot to do, as usual. I love to be busy, believe me, but I hate not knowing the all pictures of what I am doing, where I am going and if this makes sense. I know it is not always possible to know everything, but I always try to get as close as I can to this, and this is precisely why I wish to work for myself and not anymore having a boss above my head telling me stupidity leading to nowhere and frustrating me more than anything.
Woooww, here again starting to complain. I promise I will try to keep a positive approach to everything eventhough, it is not always easy.

Bed time stories has come so, see you for a new post soon.

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