My head is clear and I know what I want so let's make it happens.
I have created a new linkedIn profile (Join My LinkedIn profile), I need now to also think about a website. I have different options for that. I know at least two persons that would be willing to help me design a website. That is a good start, no ? But that's not all. I have a tone to do. I need to think about what happens if I quit my job, how I will get money to survive, how I can promote myself as new Fashion Designer etc...
Well, sometimes I think I should make a list of all I want to do and all I need to do because it cans quickly turn messy. And it is true, I am the type of person that needs to have a plan to function. It doesn't mean that I cannot deviate from this plan, but it surely means that I know my goals, I am ready to do what's necessary to achieve it.
So in my plan, well let's start for this week only, I want to do the following:
- Start thinking of a design, purpose of my website
- Translate my CV in English (I have one is Spanish for the moment)
- Send my CV for jobs in fashion in Barcelona (I think I might not stay another year in my current job and might think a bout a new options)
- Create a new facebook profile and page
- Find out if I need to prepare something for the Master next month (Yes forgot to say that I am starting a master in fashion design next month)
- Think about some secondary plans for money survival (since I will start the master and this is not very compatible with my work, I might need to find a way to provide myself some money to survive, pay bills etc..)
I think this will keep me quite busy for a week.
What do you think ?
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